Data Services

Trust the best.

Let our expert Data Services team do all your heavy lifting.

  • Existing records digitization

  • Street feature aerial picking

  • 2D Network model creation

  • Void analysis

  • Universal export deliverables

Existing plan digitization

Our Data Services team gather, georeference and digitize all existing utility data plans or records within your project scope area.

Street feature aerial picking

Above-ground utility features are picked from aerial imagery to provide indications of utility locations. We build an initial understanding of the reliability of available existing utility plans, and whether data matches what we can see.

2D Network Model creation

Using aerial and street view imagery, we extract surface features and update your plans to match above-ground indications of underground assets, to create an intuitive 2D network model.

Void analysis

Subsurface voids are often undetected until they impact above-ground infrastructure. Our Data Services team can analyse and identify anomalies from your data before they become a danger.


Whether using Reveal Field Services or data from third-party locators, our team can interpret datasets and export deliverables in all common CAD, GIS and document formats, including:

  • DWG, DXF, 12D, IFC


  • PDF, CSV

  • LAS, E57, FBX, GLTF

need your utility data processed?