utility locating


Understand your underground

30-40% of underground utilities are undocumented or inaccurately recorded on as-built plans.

Reveal’s locating services reduce your risk of a utility strike by showing you where the dangers lie.

Our process

Reveal uses cutting-edge technology and skilled field technicians to collect the most precise utility data, including depth and dimensions.

  • Electromagnetic locating (EML)

  • Ground-penetrating radar (GPR)

  • GPS/GNSS surveying

  • Chamber investigations

  • Reality capture scans

  • Paint markouts

Reveal Electromagnetic Locating

Electromagnetic Locator (EML)

EML is effective for locating metallic utilities such as communications and electric cables, as they produce a distinct electromagnetic signal.

Reveal Ground Penetrating Radar

Ground-penetrating radar (GPR)

GPR can corroborate EML detections as well as detect changes in material properties, and can detect both metallic and non-metallic utilities. Suitable for urban centres and rural areas.

Reveal Chamber Investigations

Chamber Investigations

Field technicians open manholes and chambers to scan the interior and evaluate chamber conditions. The direction of laterals and cables leading away from the chamber can provide valuable clues to the location of other utilities.

Reveal Photogrammetry and LiDAR scans

Reality Capture / Chamber scans

Chambers are opened and scanned using LiDAR and photogrammetry tools to document the precise layout and dimensions. 3D models can be generated and embedded in your digital utility map or Undermaps.

Utility locating markouts

Paint markouts

Utilities are marked out along the pavement using colour-coded paint and symbols to distinguish the utility type, depth and direction of detected utilities.

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Save lives, time and money. Manage underground risks early. Take control of the unknown. Seek and share the truth of the hidden.