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Ground-penetrating radar to point-cloud visualisation.

Understand your underground


Underdots is a fully-automated data processing service that turns raw ground-penetrating radar data into actionable insights.

Get more value from your subsurface utility investigations budget, save time and minimize rework.

How it works


3DR, .SEG-Y or .GeoTIFFs to the Underdots platform with details about how the data was captured.
Step 1: upload images to the Underdots service

2: Reveal processing

We process the data to produce a 3D point-cloud visualisation and display it on a map, and send you a link to view your project.

3: data share

Share access with key project stakeholders.
Step 3: share your Underdots with your clients and customers

Estimate your data processing cost


  • Underdots is compatible with radar output files from:

    • Proceq GS9000 + GM8000

    • Kontur Geoscope + DX radar

    • IDS Stream UP

    • IDS Stream X

    • IDS Stream DP

    • Impulse Raptor

  • Underdots can work on SEG-Y, .3DR and GeoTIFF files.

  • Automated data processing takes about one hour per hectare of data uploaded. QA and manual tasks mean most projects are returned to you within 3-5 working days.

  • Underdots processing costs USD$1,000 per hectare of data uploaded. Discounts for higher volumes or minimum annual contracts are available on application.

  • Click here to request a sample .laz file demonstrating the output from the Underdots process.

Ready to start?

If you have compatible radar data ready to upload now, click the button below.