Reveal are specialists in high speed data collection for the risk and soil classification of your site or asset.
High-level risk mapping
Most investigations into geotechnical properties of sites, jump to messy excavation. Why drill or test pit blind? Using Geophysics, high level, rapid site investigations can clear the fog - target the right areas and the real risks.
Stratigraphic survey
Test pits and geotechnical coring is often targeted from poor information and can completely miss key risk areas. Pin the tail on the donkey isn't the greatest risk management process. Let's remove the blindfold.
Contamination mapping
Knowledge is safety. Even if utilities are mapped to inform design, get the full picture into the hands of Contractors before they dig.
Void analysis
Subsurface voids are often undetected until they impact above-ground infrastructure. Reveal offers fast and accurate identification of such anomalies before they collapse. Plan ahead and mitigate risk to our businesses and community.
Geophysics techniques
Ground penetrating radaR
Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) is a fast, accurate, and non-invasive geophysical method used to give an 'image' of the subsurface. GPR is typically used to locate buried pipes, cables, voids, and other features to provide comfort for environmental and engineering projects.
Electromagnetic location
Electromagnetic Location (EML) is a quick and efficient method of identifying to determine the location and approximate depth of buried metallic objects such as pipes, and cables.
Electromagnetics (EM)
Frequency domain electromagnetic surveying is an efficient method to rapidly determine the extent of contaminated land areas such as landfill sites and locate buried metallic objects.
book us in
Ready to de-risk sites. Find out the true nature of the underground.